Tuesday, January 5, 2010

And so it begins

This is my experiment with blogging. It is also my experiment with reading a journal on a regular basis. I've got access to a very extensive e-journal collection that includes "Rejuvenation research". I'm not a doctor, nurse or biochemist, but I've had an interest in Not Dying Yet for a while now, and find reading about anti-aging fun, so I plan to read it from the beginning, I'm OCD like that, when it was called the "Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine" back in '98, and make my way forward, writing summaries of the bits I find interesting.

The posts title will just be the title of the papers, the content will be my interpretation or the bits I care about. I'll follow a BruceSterlingesque commenting style, in that if I'm saying something not taken from or not related to the paper, it will be inside (((triple parenthesis))). This will not, as far I can tell, be an entertaining blog.