Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Segmental Nature of Age-Associated, Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Abnormalities Necessitates Three-Dimensional Analyses

Summary: Mitochondria with abnormal electron transport chain activity are grouped along the fibre in muscle tissue

Interestingness: 4

Paper by Nathan L Van Zeeland, Jonathan Wanagat, Marisol E Lopez and Judd M Aiken in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999.

They looked at low cytochrome c oxidase (COX, complex IV) activity and high succinate dehydrogenase (SDH, complex II) activity in muscle tissue, which are supposedly common markers for age-related mitochondrial abnormalities. They are colocated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion (mtDNA4977). Also, muscle fibres with these abnormal mitochondrial activity are more commonly atrophied/have much lower cross-sections in rhesus monkeys. Part of the COX enzyme is encoded in the mtDNA, while all of the SDH enzyme is encoded in the nuclear DNA. (That explains why COX activity goes down, but why does the SDH activity go up?)

They measured COX and SDH activity in muscles of old (3-year old) rat and old (33 year old) rhesus monkey, making 200 slices across the muscle fibre so that they got a cross-section of the muscle at each slice. Each slice was about 10 microns thick, and they followed the muscle for about 1.6 millimetres in the monkey and 2 in the rat.

They found that the mutations were grouped along each muscle fibre. They found that in their sample, 3% of the rat's fibers had abnormal activity at some point along its length, and 0.31% of the monkey's (a 25-year old monkey though, not sure what happened to the other monkey), and contrasted these with the much lower values they would have gotten if they would have just sliced at one point (about six times lower). Through some dodgy extrapolation, they claim that 50% of the muscles fibers in the rat's case would be abnormal at some point if they had followed it through the whole length of the muscle, although they say that further studies by them point the number to be closer to 25%

Abstract follows:

Age-associated electron transport system (ETS) abnormalities in skeletal muscle are distributed in a mosaic and segmental fashion; thus, histological techniques examining a single cross-section of tissue underestimate the number of fibers harboring such mitochondrial abnormalities. Analyses of consecutive cross-sections along the length of a muscle are necessary to determine the absolute number of ETS abnormal fibers within a given skeletal muscle. Two hundred serial cross-sections of old rat and rhesus monkey skeletal muscle were obtained by cryostat sectioning. Sections were stained and examined for cytochrome c oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase activity at regular intervals spanning a 1,600-micrometre region of muscle. All fibers staining negative for cytochrome c oxidase activity or hyperreactive for succinate dehydrogenase activity were then followed along their lengths to determine the extent of the ETS abnormal regions. ETS abnormalities in both animal models were found to be distributed in localized regions of individual muscle fibers (i.e., segmental). Examination of fibers along their length lead to a fourfold increase in detection of rat muscle fibers bearing mitochondrial abnormalities. In situ histological techniques that examine numerous sections at multiple positions along the length of skeletal muscles are particularly well suited for determining numbers and assessing the cellular impact of skeletal muscle fibers harboring age-related mitochondrial abnormalities.

Monday, December 6, 2010

RNA Oxidation in Alzheimer and Parkinson Diseases

Summary: RNA is oxidised in some of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Down syndrome patients' neurons

Interestingness: 2

Paper by Akihiko Nunomura, George Perry, Jing Zhang, Thomas J Montine, Atsushi Takeda, Shigeru Chiba and Mark A Smith in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999.

They measured 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) and 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OHG) as markers for DNA and RNA oxidation respectively in an unknown number of brains of postmortem Alzheimer's (AD), Parkinson's (PD) and Down syndrome (DS) patients. They found more 8-OHG in some parts of the brains of some types of disease, and less in others, but the parts of the brain still don't mean much to me. In any case, here they are:

  • More oxidation in the cytoplasm than in the nucleolus and nuclear envelope in the neurons of AD and DS, clean in controls
  • No difference in cerebellum between AD, DS and controls
  • RNA oxidation was the main thing being detected in AD and DS
  • Less oxidation with increased amyloid beta (AB) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFT)
  • Increased oxidation in substantia negra in PD, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), and multiple system atrophy-Parkinsonian type (MSA-P). More in PD than other two
  • Both RNA and DNA oxidation in PD, DLB and MSA-P
  • No increase in RNA oxidation in PD in cerebellum or cerebral cortex, but increase in cerebral cortex for DLB

They think the source of oxidation is damaged mitochondria spewing hydrogen peroxide, and it transforming to hydroxyl radicals through the Fenton reaction in the cytoplasm. They don't know what effect oxidation has on RNA's functionality or if it is important. Probably some translation issues with wrong base pairing.

Abstract follows:

In Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, oxidative alterations, affecting lipids, proteins, and DNA, have been described. Using an in situ approach to identify 8-hydroxyguanosine, an oxidized nucleoside, we recently identified RNA as a major target of oxidation in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases as well as Down syndrome, where premature Alzheimer-like neuropathology is invariably found. RNA oxidation is localized to the neuronal populations potentially affected in these diseases. Together with the known mitochondrial dysfunction in Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases, the cytoplasmic predominance of neuronal 8-hydroxyguanosine supports mitochondria as the most likely source of reactive oxygen responsible for RNA oxidation. The consequence of oxidatively damaged RNA is not fully understood; however, the potential of oxidized RNA to cause errors in translation indicates a metabolic abnormality in neurodegenerative diseases.

Mitochondrial DNA Oxidation

Summary: Most of the oxidising damage in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is in bits/fractions of mtDNA, not in the circular form. And iron relaxes mtDNA loop and increases its replication.

Interestingness: 5

Paper by Christoph Richter in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999.

This paper starts by describing how mtDNA gets oxidised: superoxide radicals (O2-) are formed "when cytochrome oxidase is blocked, when cytochrome c is detached from the inner mitochondrial membrane, " ... and " when mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation is inhibited". The superoxide radical then gives the electron to a water molecule, which forms hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which then forms hydroxyl radical (OH.) in the presence of iron or copper (Fenton reaction). The hydroxyl radical is the bastard that then goes and reacts with everything.

It then mentions radical nitrogen species, usual description of mtDNA (16.3 kb pair coding for 13 peptides, 22 tRNAs and 2 rRNAs), how people started thinking of mtDNA damage as important for diseases, measurement of mtDNA damage (usually measuring 8-hydroxyguanine and strand breaks), sidetrack into azidothymidine (AZT, the anti-AIDS drug) causing problems in mitochondria, and Friedreich's ataxia (FA) probably being a problem with oxidation damage in mitochondria.

Now, interesting bit, measurements of amount of oxidative damage in mtDNA differ depending on methodology. Detection of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) gives big numbers (4 modifications per mtDNA molecule) while numbers from repair enzymes (dunno how it works) give much lower numbers. High number doubted also from seemingly high number of working mitochondria. They do analysis of mtDNA from rat's livers, detecting 8-OHdG. They get 0.051 picomole per microgram of DNA for circular mtDNA, which they say is about one 8-OHdG mutation every two mtDNA molecules, 0.014 picomole per microgram of DNA for nDNA, which is contamination in the sample, but 0.741 picomole per microgram in low molecular mtDNA, ie fractions of floating mtDNA. They don't know what the fractions of mtDNA are doing or why they are so highly oxidised. It could be that they are being actively degraded, or they could be new chunks being made. Having found these fragments, he then hypothesises that these fragments integrate with nDNA, and that this is the main mechanism of aging of mtDNA oxidation damage.

The part that follows is also interesting. Experimenting with iron overload into the mtDNA of rat's livers in vitro they find that it (iron, in the form of Fe3+ gluconate), relaxes mtDNA from the standard supercoiled form to the open circular form. Anti-oxidants prevent some of the change but not all. The iron forms colloids that bind to mtDNA, and there may be a purely physical mechanism of relaxation. They then repeat the experiment in vivo also observing more relaxed circular DNA compared to controls, as well as increased mitochondrial surface and volume density, increased intracellular ferritin and hemosiderin, and higher replication of mtDNA.

It then switches to mtDNA damage prevention, mentions caloric restriction as reducing 8-OHdG counts, AZT leading to higher urinary 8-OHdG but vitamins C and E reducing those levels in AZT-taking people (I thought vitamins C and E didn't enter the mitochondria). Finishes by looking at future studies, evidence that mtDNA inserts in nDNA are more common in tumours, Drosophila overexpressing superoxide dismutase and catalase having increased lifespan, and some wacky suggestion of using bacteria to transfect genes into mitochondria.


Abstract follows:

Mitochondrial diseases have been known for more than three decades. A refinement of the free radical theory of aging states that oxidative damage to mitochondria, particularly to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), is responsible for aging. About 10 years ago, oxidative damage to mtDNA was first reported, and human diseases were related to mutations of mtDNA. Subsequent reports suggested that oxidative mtDNA damage is more pronounced in old individuals and during certain diseases. Studies of animal models indicated that oxidative mtDNA damage can be ameliorated by dietary antioxidants and caloric restriction, an established method to increase life span. More recent data indicate that fragmented mtDNA is the predominant carrier of oxidized mtDNA bases and that fragments constitute a substantial amount of the total mtDNA. This article discusses the emerging relationship among mtDNA oxidation, diseases, and aging, and suggests experiments by which such a relationship can be further substantiated.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Area-Specific Differences in OH8dG and mtDNA4977 Levels in Alzheimer Disease Patients and Aged Controls

Summary: Mitochondrial DNA in the brain gets damaged at different rates across brain regions depending on type of damage, age, and Alzheimer's diseasedness.

Interestingness: 1

Paper by AMS Lezza, P Mecocci, A Cormio, M Flint Beal, A Cherubini, P Cantatore, U Senin and MN Gadaleta in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999.

They track two different common mutations to mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in post-mortem brains of 14 people, 8 with Alzheimer's, 6 control. One type of mutation is a deletion of 4977 bases in the mtDNA, which, going by the large amount of google results, seems to be quite a common thing to check for. The other is a product of oxidation, 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (OH8dG).

It seems like very little data to be taking the conclusions seriously, but the abstract is a good summary of the results. If nothing else, it seems that Alzheimer's disease patients have more oxidised mtDNA than non-Alzheimer's disease patients.

Abstract follows:

The levels of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 4977-bp deletion (mtDNA4977) and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (OH8dG) have been measured in different brain areas of aged controls and Alzheimer disease patients. An area-specific distribution of the OH8dG level among three cortices and the cerebellum in aged controls as well as in Alzheimer disease patients has been found. It seems that in control subjects the age-related oxidative damage to mtDNA, represented by OH8dG content, shows a faster increase in the temporal and parietal cortices than in the frontal and in the cerebellum. In Alzheimer disease patients, where the OH8dG values are always higher than those of the control counterparts, such an area-specific distribution is maintained, but with a less significant difference among the cortices. The mtDNA4977 levels, on the other hand, are very different between frontal and parietal cortices on one side and temporal cortex and cerebellum on the other, both in control subjects and in Alzheimer disease patients. In general, it seems that the lowest mtDNA4977 levels coexist with the highest OH8dG contents in controls and, even more, in Alzheimer disease patients. This suggests that oxidative stress takes place both in aging and in Alzheimer disease, where it is amplified; however, mtDNA4977 level correlates with OH8dG content only in the frontal cortex of controls.