Monday, September 27, 2010

Enhanced Cholinergic Function in Aged Rats Treated with TJ-23

Summary: Toki-shakuyaku-san (TJ23) given to old rats maybe increases acetylcholine churn in their striata.

Interestingness: 1

Paper by Midori Hiramatsu, Makiko Komatsu, Toshimitsu Yuzurihara, Kazuko Saitoh, Atsushi Ishige and Yasuhiro Komatsu in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 1999.

TJ-23 is a mix of herbs common in Japan. In a previous paper it was given to senescence accelerated mice to extend median lifespan. The authors gave them to adult (6 months) and old (24 months) rats. Old rats given TJ23 had increased choline acetyltransferase (enzyme that metabolises acetylcholine) activity in their stratium compared to controls. Old control rats had lower activity than adult rats. Activity in the cortex, hippocampus, midbrain, pons-medula oblongata and cerebellum didn't change between adult and old, TJ-23ed or control.

Muscarinic receptor binding (MRb) in the stratium also increased in old TJ-23 compared to control, and in both compared to adult. MRb was also higher in old cortices compared to adult. No changes elsewhere.

Finally, acetylcholinesterase (catabolyses acetycholine) was also higher in old TJ-23ed stratia compared to controls, and in both compared to adult. No changes elsewhere.

I don't think any of this means much. The authors claim antioxidant effect of TJ-23 is helping.

Abstract follows:

A traditional herb ("Toki-shakuyaku-san" or TJ-23) has been reported to cause clinical improvement in patients with Alzheimer's dementia. To investigate possible neuronal mechanisms, we looked at its effect on cholinergic functions in the cortex, hippocampus, striatum, midbrain, pons-medulla oblongata, and cerebellum of rats. In the aged (compared with the adult) rat brain, we found that choline acetyltransferase (CAT) activity was decreased in the cortex and striatum; acetylcholinesterase activity was decreased in the hippocampus, mid-brain and pons-medulla oblongata and increased in the striatum; and muscarinic receptor binding was increased in the cortex and striatum. In the striatum of aged rats, TJ-23 resulted in increased choline acetyltransferase activity, muscarinic receptor binding, and acetylcholinesterase activity. TJ-23 has a significant effect on cholinergic function in the striatum of aged rats.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Characterization of the Age Changes in Brain and Liver Enzymes of Senescence-Accelerated Mice (SAM)

Summary: Some enzymes and neurotransmitters have different activity in mice models of accelerated aging.

Interestingness: 1

Paper by E Bulygina, S Gallant, G Kramarenko, S Stvolinsky, M Yuneva and A Boldyrev in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 1999.

In senescence accelerated mice, prone 1 (SAMP1) compared to senescence accelerated mice, resistant 1 (SAMR1):

  • Mono-amine oxide b (MAOb) activity in the brain goes up as it ages. In SAMR1 it stays put.
  • Glutamate binding in N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptors starts much lower in young mice, but climbs to be much higher as it ages
  • Na/K ATPase activity in the brain goes up as it ages.
  • Cytochrome P450 activity in the liver is consitently higher

In all of the above, young is 4 months, age tracking goes from 8-12 months. SAMP1 mice die around then.

Abstract follows:

The comparative neurochemical characteristics of brain and liver membranes of senescence-accelerated mice, prone (SAMP1) and senescence-accelerated mice, resistant (SAMR1) strains were evaluated using males and females of several ages. Abnormal N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) binding and monoamine oxidase b activity in SAMP brain membranes may promote increased accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in neurons. Na/K-adinosine triphosphatase (ATPase) and liver cytochrome P450 activities are greater in SAMP1 neurons than in SAMR1 neurons, which may reflect an adaptive tissue response to ROS accumulation.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Noradrenergic Function in the Pancreatic Islets of Streptozotocin-Diabetic Aging Rats

Summary: Destroying beta-cells in the pancreas has mostly the same effects in young and old rats, but not exactly the same.

Interestingness: 1

Paper by Asha Abraham and Cheramadathikudyil S Paulose in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 1999.

(((This is the first of most likely most of papers in which I give up even attempting a half-assed summary)))

(((After chemically destroying the beta cells in the pancreas of young and old rats and thus making them "diabetic", they measured higher glucose concentrations, higher noradrenaline receptors, higher noradrenaline concentration in the pancreas and higher binding constants of noradrenaline receptors in both young and old diabetic rats. cAMP concentration went way up in the young and a bit down in the old. This might mean something. Their guess is alpha2-adrenergic receptors get more sensitive during old age, beta-adrenergic in young rats. Alpha2-adrenergic receptors inhibit insulin release. Beta-adrenergic increase cAMP)))

Abstract follows:

We studied age-related changes in the noradrenergic function in the pancreatic islets of streptozotocin diabetic male Wistar rats. Blood glucose, norepinephrine content, noradrenergic receptor binding, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) content were analyzed in the pancreatic islets of these rats. In the present study, the pancreatic islets of diabetic young and old rats showed a significant increase in noradrenaline content accompanied by a significant increase in Bmax and Kd for noradrenergic receptors compared with age-matched controls. The cAMP content increased significantly in diabetic young rats, whereas, in old rats a significant decrease was seen when compared with age-matched controls. These data demonstrate that the cAMP system is inhibited in the pancreatic islets of diabetic old rats, whereas it is stimulated in diabetic young rats. This might play a role in the early recovery shown by streptozotocin-treated young rats. Also, changes in the noradrenergic function in the pancreatic islets occurring during aging might account for the increased risk of diabetes mellitus with age.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Aging: Minimizing Free Radical Damage

Summary: The founder of the free radical theory of aging summarising the results that back the theory, some nice graphs, and other interesting bits of speculation.

Interestingness: 6

Paper by Denham Harman, MD, PhD, in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 1, Spring 1999.

(((This is a summary of the current state of the free radical theory of aging (FRTA) by the guy that is introduced as the father of the FRTA. I didn't like the way it was written. I'm going to skip big chunks of it)))

(((The paper starts with a series of mortality curves over age across time for women in Sweden from the 1750s to 1992. These are cool, even if I've seen them before. They show the mortality following Gompertz function with mortality going up exponentially after around age 50 with a doubling time of about 7 years. The slope of this exponential is the same in all curves. While mortality is much lower across all ages as we get closer to the present, the line goes exponential at a younger and younger age, so that the difference in mortality at ages 70 onwards is not that big across history. So, for example, the curve for the 1900s and 1920s seem to hit the exponential proper only at age 60, while the curve for 1992 seems to be on the exponential from age 40. The left hand side of the curves, that is, the bits before we hit the exponential growth, have declined massively across history. The text mentions that in that 1992 curve, only 1.1% of all females in Sweden die before age 28 (the date at which he puts the exponential rise starting) )))

(((It continues with a couple of life expectancy graphs from the 1950s to the present for male and females in Sweden, Switzerland, the USA and Japan. The first three going up by 1-2 years per decade and Japan by 3 years per decade, from a lower base. I don't really understand what these graphs or the previous mortality curves have to do with the main theme of the article, but I like them anyway)))

The free radical theory of aging (FRTA) says that all aging and death in all living things is based on the initiation of free radical reactions, the rate of which is determined by genetics and environment. This theory was later extended (((modified?))) to say that in mitochondria-containing living things, it is the rate of initiation of free radical reactions (FRR) in the mitochondria that determines their lifespan. FRRs can be classified into initiation, a propagation chain, and termination. An antioxidant usually refers to a compound that breaks the propagation chain, or, in general, any substance that delays or inhibits oxidation in low concentrations.

The major sources of radical reactions are:
  • Respiratory chain
  • Phagocytosis
  • Prostaglandin synthesis
  • Cytochrome P-450 system
  • Nonenzymatic reactions of O2
  • Ionising radiation

Defenses against damage caused by FRR are:
  • Antioxidants. eg: tocopherols, carotenes
  • Heme-containing peroxidases. eg: catalase
  • Glutathione peroxidase
  • Superoxide dismutases (SOD)
  • DNA repair mechanisms

By the FRTA, slowing down FRRs would increase longevity. Studies backing this up include:
  • Overexpression of superoxide dismutase and catalase in fruit flies extended life span by a third.
  • Longer-lived strains of fruit flies, flatworms and bread mold have higher antioxidant enzyme activity than short-lived strains
  • Addition of 2-mercaptoethylamine (2-MEA), an antioxidant, to food increased average lifespan of LAF1 mice by 29.2% (((no idea what the characteristics of LAF1 mice are)))
  • 2-MEA addition to food of mice mothers before mating increased lifespan of their offsprings by 15% and 8% to male and female offsprings respectively

Decreasing initiation rates of endogenous FRRs would also lead to increased longevity. The rate can be reduced by caloric reduction, compounds that compete with O2 for access to electron-rich areas of the mitochondria, compounds that bind to the respiratory chain and stop the reaction with O2, and genetic regulation of mitochondrial superoxide creation. Cutting caloric intake of rats by 40% increased average lifespan by 40% and maximal life span by 49% (((Those numbers are higher than I'm usually accustomed to))). The study also suggests a lower rate of aging for rats under caloric restriction (((ie a lower gradient on the semilog plot of age vs mortality))) (((I think the suggested link is lower amount of products to oxidise => lower total load of FRR in mitochondria))).

Only study showing antioxidant to extend maximal lifespan of mice is 2-MEA, added at 0.25% w/w to the diet of BC3F mice extended mean and maximal lifespan by 13% and 12% respectively. The study hasn't been replicated. The reason that most antioxidants fail to extend lifepan is that they have toxic effects on mitochondria at lower concentrations than those needed to slow down FRRs significantly.

The paper continues by listing the possible effects of the FRTA on specific diseases. They are:
  • Cancer, listing epidemiological studies suggesting vitamin C and fruits and vegetables having lower incidence
  • Atherosclerosis, caused by lesions that would result in higher localised concentrations of oxidation products, and oxidation of polyunsaturatid lipids, and mentioning a study of vitamin E supplementation showing a decrease of 40% in coronary artery disease (((never heard of that one. will have to look it up)))
  • Hypertension, mentioning a study of SOD targeted to endothelium cells lowering blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats, but not in normal rats
  • Alzheimer's disease, listing mutations in mtDNA, mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP), and increases in levels of APP and SOD in Down's syndrome (((I don't get how the last two are meant to relate to FRTA)))
  • Immune deficiency, saying some antioxidants increase immune responses
  • Autoimmunity, with ethoxyquin fed to a mice used for studying autoimmune disease (NZB) increasing lifespan by 32%

The gender mortality gap is also supposedly explained by the FRTA via two different effects: one is the lower stores of iron in women prior to menopause leading to less FRRs catalysed by iron, and the second (((something I don't even understand enough to describe))).

The paper finishes by claiming that a large part of the increase in lifespan in the USA since the 1960s could be attributable to the widespread use of multi-vitamins by the population (((yeah riiiiiight))).

Abstract follows:

Aging is the accumulation of changes that increase the risk of death. The major contributors after age 28 years are the endogenous chemical reactions that, collectively, produce aging changes that exponentially increase the chances for disease and death with age. These reactions constitute the "inborn aging process." This process is the major risk factor for disease and death of the 98% to 99% of cohorts still alive at age 28 in developed countries, where living conditions are now near optimum.

The Free Radical Theory of Aging (FRTA) and, simultaneously, the discovery of the ubiquitous, important involvement of endogenous free radical reactions in the metabolism of biologic systems, arose in 1954 from a consideration of aging phenomena from the premise that a single common process, modifiable by genetic and environmental factors, was responsible for the aging and death of all living things. The FRTA postulates that the single common process is the initiation of free radical reactions. These reactions, however initiated, could be responsible for the progressive deterioration of biologic systems with time because of their inherent ability to produce random change. The theory was extended in 1972 with the suggestion that the life span was largely determined by the rate of free radical damage to the mitochondria.

The FRTA suggests the possibility that measures to decrease the rate of initiation and/or the chain length of free radical reactions may, at least in some cases, decrease the rate of reactions that produce aging changes without significantly depressing those involved in maintenance and function. Many studies support this possibility.

Applications of the FRTA have been fruitful. For example, it is a useful guide to efforts to increase the life span, and it provides plausible explanations for the aging phenomenon (e.g., the association of disease with age as well as insight into pathogenesis; the gender gap; the association between events in early life and late onset disease; and the shortening of telomeres with cell division). Further, it is reasonable to expect on the basis of animal and epidemiologic studies that the increasing population-wide use of antioxidant supplements and ingestion of foods high in antioxidant capacity over the past 40 years have helped to increase the functional life span of the population by contributing significantly to the decline in "free radical" diseases, to increases in the fraction of elderly, and to the decline in chronic disability in this group.