Summary: de Grey thinks that we need superoxide dismutase in our mitochondrial intermembrane spaces
Interestingness: 6
Paper by Aubrey DNJ de Grey in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 3, Issue 1, Spring 2000.
This is another theory/speculation paper by de Grey. He's trying to explain why there is no correlation between life span and antioxydant enzyme levels in warm blooded animals. His explanation sticks to the oxidative damage is bad, m'kay, trend and tries to fit the model to the data.
He partitions the rate of damage created by oxidation into four:
- Specific metabolic rate (SMR): rate of consumption of oxygen per gram of body.
- Leakiness: Proportion of oxygen that becomes superoxide.
- Superoxide potency (SP): Proportion of superoxide converted into other oxide radicals (eg hydrogen peroxide) instead of being pacified by antioxidant enzymes.
- Oxidisability of the tissue (OT): How easily the relevant tissue gets oxidised.
He notes that under this scheme, levels of antioxidant vitamins affect the OT and not the SP, since they act mainly to stop the chain of oxidation. SP is the rate factor that is not correlated with lifespan that is being explained in this paper.
SMR in warm blooded animals (homeotherms) is mostly determined by body size, and lifespan does correlate with body size. Lifespan depends not only on size though but seems to be well correlated with lifespan restrictions imposed by external causes. There isn't much evolutionary pressure to raise the aging-based lifespan of the animal if it is likely to die from other causes (eg getting eaten). Animals of similar weight but different chances of dying due to external causes have different lifespans (eg birds vs mammals).
In a study in primates, superoxide dismutase (SOD) did correlate with lifespan if the SOD levels were divided by the SMR when doing the calculation. Catalase, glutathione peroxidase (GP) and glutathione (G) didn't though. A less dodgy comparison, in that it didn't need the division by SMR factor, was one between rats and pigeons. Pigeons live about 8 times longer than rats even though they weight about the same. SOD levels in the pigeon were slightly higher, catalase much lower, and G and GP levels varied depending on the tissue. Another study showed similar results when looking at the canary (very low mass, very high lifespan), with not even SOD showing higher levels.
In the same studies, they showed a correlation between leakiness and rate of aging, and maybe one between OT and rate of aging. Lending support to this second correlation, de Grey mentions that fatty acids saturation in the membranes of the mitochondria and levels of non-enzymatic anti-oxidants (eg vitamins C and E) are higher in longer lived animals and these lower OT. This supposedly leaves SP as the only one out of the four factors that doesn't correlate in the predicted way with longevity.
de Grey's hypothesis to explain this is that there is no easy way for evolution to lower the SP because there are no SOD enzymes in the mitochondrial intermembrane space (MIMS) to mop up the superoxides. The selection for longer lifespan instead pushes the concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (vitamins C and E) up all over the cell to get levels up in the MIMS, and the leakiness of the MIMS down which is the same mechanism that controls leakiness elsewhere in the chain. This then means that the concentrations of antioxidant enzymes in the non-MIMS regions become too high for the resulting lower radicals due to the improved leakiness and non-enzymatic antioxidant profiles, and these enzymatic antioxidant levels drift down to save resources until they match the levels that would lead to the same rate of damage as the other parts of the oxidation chain.
Since that paragraph contained the whole hypothesis I will write it again, but in expanded form. Homeotherms supposedly don't have any SODs in their MIMS but we do produce superoxides there (the evidence for that second part is probably not great). The damage caused by this, somehow (more on this later), limits our lifespan. For intelligent or otherwise flighty animals, where the external causes of dying are lower, there is a selective pressure, apparently, to raise our lifespan due to aging to match the lower external causes. Since it seems to be troublesome to introduce a SOD into our MIMS (and this supposed trouble to evolve a MIMS-SOD is the bit that to me seems weakest out of the chain of reasoning), homeotherms instead reduce the leakiness of the ATP-making mechanism, the leakiness factor, and raise the levels of non-enzymatic anti-oxidants, lowering the OT factor, to lower the total rate of aging. Now, lowering the leakiness of the process lowered the production of oxidants everywhere, not just in the MIMS, and raising the level of non-enzymatic anti-oxidants did the same everywhere, not just in the MIMS, so now, if we kept the same level of enzymatic anti-oxidants as before these last two improvements, the level of oxidants everywhere non-MIMS becomes too low for the available enzymatic anti-oxidants. By too low, he means that the bottleneck will be the MIMS oxidants, and everywhere else the oxidant damage will always be too low to matter. Since now the organism can get away with lowering the enzymatic oxidant levels in the non-MIMS sections, it does so, since it saves energy doing so.
That this non-correlation between enzymatic antioxidant levels and lifespan does not occur in flies and worms, (ie, in those species, the correlation does exist and is positive), means that the lifespan-limiting mechanism in flies and worms is different from homeotherms. de Grey suggests that this mechanism is the mutation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) which tends to be attached to the inner surface of the inner membrane of the mitochondria. The mtDNA would somehow be damaged by the higher unquenched superoxide concentration across the inner membrane, in the MIMS. Old mammals have been shown to have high levels of mtDNA mutations, while this doesn't happen in flies and worms, maybe because they do not live long enough for the process of mtDNA amplification to take place. He's trying to tie it all back to his other paper (
The suggested methods for testing the hypothesis: retarget MnSOD and CuZnSOD to the MIMS and check that they are useless there. If they are not useless, then it should have been easy to evolve those. Afterwards, retarget E Coli's iron-dependent SOD to the MIMS of mice, as has supposedly been done before in yeast, and see if that affects lifespan. That last check doesn't make sense to me. If the enzymatic anti-oxidants in the non-MIMS sections have drifted down until they are causing as much trouble as the MIMS oxidation, then lowering MIMS oxidation damage shouldn't affect the lifespan of the beasts. Doing this while raising enzymatic anti-oxidants throughout the cell might though.
In conclusion, another very interesting chain of causation hypothesis, but probably too long to have much of a chance of being correct.
Abstract follows:
A series of studies over many years has conclusively disproved the hypothesis that longevity in warm-blooded animals (homeotherms) correlates with high levels of antioxidant enzymes: in fact, these variables generally exhibit a strong negative cross-species correlation. In flies and nematodes, however, substantial extension of maximum life span has resulted from genetic manipulations that increase antioxidant enzyme levels; these manipulations have always been associated with increased resistance to oxidative challenge, indicating that the life span extension is directly caused by the raised antioxidant capacity. This stark contrast merits careful analysis because it casts doubt on the value of short-lived invertebrates as models for the investigation of mammalian aging. Here is it shown that these results imply the existence, in homeotherms but not in flies or worms, of life span-limiting pathways of oxidative damage that are impervious to enzymatic antioxidants. This is shown to lend weight to the currently controversial theory that somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations contribute significantly to determining the rate of aging of homeotherms, and thereby suggests a feasible intervention to retard human aging.