Interestingness: 4
Paper by Nathan L Van Zeeland, Jonathan Wanagat, Marisol E Lopez and Judd M Aiken in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 3, Fall 1999.
They looked at low cytochrome c oxidase (COX, complex IV) activity and high succinate dehydrogenase (SDH, complex II) activity in muscle tissue, which are supposedly common markers for age-related mitochondrial abnormalities. They are colocated with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) deletion (mtDNA4977). Also, muscle fibres with these abnormal mitochondrial activity are more commonly atrophied/have much lower cross-sections in rhesus monkeys. Part of the COX enzyme is encoded in the mtDNA, while all of the SDH enzyme is encoded in the nuclear DNA. (That explains why COX activity goes down, but why does the SDH activity go up?)
They measured COX and SDH activity in muscles of old (3-year old) rat and old (33 year old) rhesus monkey, making 200 slices across the muscle fibre so that they got a cross-section of the muscle at each slice. Each slice was about 10 microns thick, and they followed the muscle for about 1.6 millimetres in the monkey and 2 in the rat.
They found that the mutations were grouped along each muscle fibre. They found that in their sample, 3% of the rat's fibers had abnormal activity at some point along its length, and 0.31% of the monkey's (a 25-year old monkey though, not sure what happened to the other monkey), and contrasted these with the much lower values they would have gotten if they would have just sliced at one point (about six times lower). Through some dodgy extrapolation, they claim that 50% of the muscles fibers in the rat's case would be abnormal at some point if they had followed it through the whole length of the muscle, although they say that further studies by them point the number to be closer to 25%
Abstract follows:
Age-associated electron transport system (ETS) abnormalities in skeletal muscle are distributed in a mosaic and segmental fashion; thus, histological techniques examining a single cross-section of tissue underestimate the number of fibers harboring such mitochondrial abnormalities. Analyses of consecutive cross-sections along the length of a muscle are necessary to determine the absolute number of ETS abnormal fibers within a given skeletal muscle. Two hundred serial cross-sections of old rat and rhesus monkey skeletal muscle were obtained by cryostat sectioning. Sections were stained and examined for cytochrome c oxidase and succinate dehydrogenase activity at regular intervals spanning a 1,600-micrometre region of muscle. All fibers staining negative for cytochrome c oxidase activity or hyperreactive for succinate dehydrogenase activity were then followed along their lengths to determine the extent of the ETS abnormal regions. ETS abnormalities in both animal models were found to be distributed in localized regions of individual muscle fibers (i.e., segmental). Examination of fibers along their length lead to a fourfold increase in detection of rat muscle fibers bearing mitochondrial abnormalities. In situ histological techniques that examine numerous sections at multiple positions along the length of skeletal muscles are particularly well suited for determining numbers and assessing the cellular impact of skeletal muscle fibers harboring age-related mitochondrial abnormalities.